My mother once told me that, as I grew older, time would pass faster. Of course, I didn’t believe her.

But the other morning, as I sat on Harbour Town’s pier observing pelicans swooping around in circles over a school of fish just beneath the surface, I realized that, once again, Mom was correct.

Can you believe it’s September already? Where has this year gone? It seems like only yesterday that I signed the lease for the studio and began the wonderful (albeit exhausting) task of finding suppliers online. I found magical Zig felt-tipped markers that are such fun, and I’m still learning all the cool things they can do. Pretty colored envelopes, and gold and silver foil lined ones; reams of cardstock (do you know how heavy a ream of cardstock is?); frames made from gorgeous moldings; tapes and glues and glass and mounting board . . . my lists kept growing.

When the orders began arriving, I apologized to Meg, the fabulous UPS driver, for causing her such hard work, delivering all of those heavy boxes. I’ve known Meg for over ten years; she was the UPS delivery person for an art gallery/gift store I managed in Harbour Town, and she is the nicest person you’d ever want to meet. She’s a tiny woman, very thin, and I’m always amazed by the ease with which she lifts large boxes. She must have Wheaties for breakfast every morning.

As I sat on the pier, I marveled, once again, at the grace of pelicans in the air; how they can turn on a dime, or quickly descend to just above the waves, all of them in alignment like a fighter squadron coming in fast and low.

This picture at the top of this blog is quite deceiving. It probably brings to mind a crisp fall day; actually, that morning was hot and humid. There’s usually a nice breeze by the water, but occasionally the flag at the end of the pier doesn’t even budge, and then the no-see-ums come out from wherever the darn things hide and they attack without mercy. If you don’t know what they are, you’re lucky; they’re tiny gnats that get in your hair, nose, eyes. And they bite! I’ll never understand how something so infinitesimal can cause such pain.

We’ve had an unusual amount of rain this summer, and today is quite cloudy and dark, with the probability of rain around 80%. But I will carry on! Have a glorious jewel of a day, regardless of the weather where you are.